
Lisa Reiter – Sharing the Story


flash memoir

Times Past: Sand in your Pants was a nightmare trying to pull down and then up, a wet baggy, sand-ridden costume and have it still cover the parts of the body it was supposed to.

This is the third post in a memoir series hosted by Irene Waters over at her blog “Reflections and Nightmares” – “Times Past” is aimed at Continue reading “Times Past: Sand in your Pants”

Times Past: Wash Day Dander

This is the second post in a memoir series hosted by Irene Waters over at her blog “Reflections and Nightmares” - "Times Past" is aimed at giving some ‘social insights into the way the world has changed between not only  Continue reading "Times Past: Wash Day Dander" 

Times Past: Date Meal Delusions

I don’t know why I thought googling “1980’s pub food Mushroom and Nut Fettuccine” would get me a result because of course, the internet didn’t quite exist for this sort Continue reading “Times Past: Date Meal Delusions”

Flash Fiction “Once Upon a Time..”

Once upon a time a memoirist got all confused about a flash fiction prompt requiring a fairy tale ending. In real life, it seemed they hardly ever came along. Continue reading “Flash Fiction “Once Upon a Time..””

Bite Size Memoir: Crazy!

I’m on the crazy theme this week with my Bite Size Memoir. Changing my habits and routines and stuffing my calendar is working well for the writing, (though I’m feeling a bit bonkers at times.) I’m hardly prolific but I’m making more progress and learning to value that. Continue reading “Bite Size Memoir: Crazy!”

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