
Lisa Reiter – Sharing the Story



How to worm a cat, Flash Fiction and other ways to tackle Perfectionism.

book-cover-with-5-stars2Welcome to my stop on the Rough Writers Tour Around the World as we launch the first flash fiction anthology from the Carrot Ranch on-line literary community. If you’re new here, you might be wondering why a memoir writer is peddling flash fiction? And we’ll get onto that, Continue reading “How to worm a cat, Flash Fiction and other ways to tackle Perfectionism.”

Flash Fiction “Amuser to a Muse”

Charli Mills flash fiction prompt at the Carrot Ranch this week is to pen something involving a muse. I’ve been busy invoking mine, writing other things and Charli has patiently given me leave from the Rough Writers as I juggle priorities. With a focus on writing about past and present truths at the moment, writing fiction has proved rather difficult here, demonstrating my need to flex this mental muscle with the following 99 Words. Continue reading “Flash Fiction “Amuser to a Muse””

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